October 1, 2021
Poetic Pictures: The Feminization of Iranian Cinema
Kamran Talattof
In a nation where poetry permeates common parlance, is used to justify arguments, offer guidance, honor patrons, condemn adversaries, and confront authority, its influence naturally extends to various art forms, including cinema. The evidence of this connection is tangible, albeit slowly established and sporadic, embracing diverse methods and techniques over time. Iranian films have come in various forms – some are inherently poetic, some are based on poetry, and others merely incorporate poetic elements. Additionally, the growing prominence of poetry in film aligns with women’s rising representation and productivity.
Kamran Talattof received his Ph. D. from The University of Michigan in 1996, and he has been teaching at the University of Arizona since 1999 after teaching at Princeton University for three years. He is currently a full professor for the Department of Near Eastern Studies while holding an affiliation with the Department of Gender & Women's Studies and the Graduate Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. He's authored, co-edited, and co-translated books focusing on issues of gender, sexuality. ideology, culture, and Persian language pedagogy.