Field of Interest:
Javad Nematollahi
Javad Nematollahi is a researcher, cinephile, and Ph.D. candidate in Art Studies at Tarbiat Modares University. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Sharif University of Technology before shifting his focus to the humanities, pursuing graduate studies in the art form he is most passionate about—cinema. His master’s thesis explored the concept of flânerie in Iranian cinema. Since its defense, he has published multiple scholarly articles in a range of academic journals, including Journal of Film and Video and City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action, with forthcoming publications in journals such as Iranian Studies and the International Journal of Persian Literature. His research interests span Iranian cinema, the intersections of modernity and film, and modern Iranian culture. Currently, he is writing his Ph.D. dissertation on discourses of Iranian modernity in Pahlavi era fiction film.

Introduction The patriarchal norms of Pahlavī-era Iranian cinema, particularly in the popular genre of Fīlmfārsī melodrama, have long been scrutinized…