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Gulāb Ādīnah | Golab Adineh | گلاب آدینه


Gulāb Ādīnah | Golab Adineh | گلاب آدینه

Gulāb Ādīnah (Mostaan), born November 13, 1953, is a renowned Iranian actress. Her artistic journey began in 1976 with the student theater group “Pīyādah,” under the guidance of Mahdī Hāshimī and Dāryūsh Farhang. She recieved acclaim for her roles in “Zard-i Qanārī” (1988), “Mihmān-i Māmān” (2004), “When Everyone Was Asleep” (2005), and “I Am Diego Maradona” (2015). Notably, on December 6, 2022, she boldly appeared without a hijab after directing the play “Pardah’khānah”, joining the on-going women’s movement in Iran against systemic discrimination, and posed for photos with the audience. She boasts a collection of accolades, including a Crystal Simorgh, Hafez Award, Iran Cinema Celebration Awards, and a Golden Rooster Award.