Released in 1992, Nargess was directed by Iranian director, screenwriter, producer, and documentary filmmaker Rakhshān Banī Iʿtimād. The film is centered on ʻĀdilz, a criminal played by Abulfazl Pūrarab, who is married to his middle-aged partner-in-crime, Āfāgh, played by Farīmāh Farjāmī. Faced with his wife’s aging physical appearance, ʻĀdil falls in love with a beautiful woman named Nargess and tries to support her and her family. However, ʻĀdil’s criminal record negatively affects his ability to do honest work. He takes one last job before leaving behind his life of crime. Nargess is one of Banī Iʿtimād’s works focusing on marginalization of the working class and homeless women, evoking themes of socio-economic polarization, social mobility, and romance. Nargess was nominated for Best Screenplay at the 10th Fajr International Film Festival, earning Banī Iʿtimād the award for Best Director of the year, and becoming a box-office success too.