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Saeed Talajooy
Saeed Talajooy is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Persian at the University of St Andrews. Talajooy has taught and published on literature, drama and cinema in Iran and the UK, and is currently teaching comparative literature and Persian modules on Iranian drama, cinema, song and literature. His research is on the point of convergence between cultural theory and literature, performance and film and on the reflections of the changing patterns of Iranian identities in Persian literature and Iranian theatre and cinema. It involves studying the way Iranian playwrights and filmmakers refashion indigenous dramatic forms, modes of thought, myths, history, and classical literary works to recreate their ideal images of Iranian identity. His most recent publications include an edited volume entitled The Plays and Films of Bahram Beyzaie: Origins, Forms and Functions (2024), a monograph entitled Iranian Culture in Bahram Beyzaie’s Cinema and Theatre (2023) and a number of play translations with analysis including Bahram Beyzaie’s The One Thousand and First Night (2023) and Afra or the Day Is Passing (2023) and Wole Soyinka’s The Strong Breed (Tabar-e Niroumand in Persian, 2022). The second volume of his monograph on Bahram Beyzaie is also in making and will be published in 2024.

Introduction In this entry, I trace the trajectory of Bahrām Bayzā’ī’s creative impulse and examine his oeuvre to offer an…

Marginality, Epistemic Privilege and Creative Impulse Any overview of Beyzaie’s oeuvre must first examine the sources of his relentless creativity…