Field of Interest:
Simran Bhalla
Simran Bhalla is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Southern California. She received her PhD in Screen Cultures from Northwestern University in 2021. Her research interests include state-sponsored and institutional films from India and Iran, global modernisms, and architecture and design in postcolonial film and television. Her writing has appeared in Iran Namag and Journal of Cinema and Media Studies. Bhalla’s forthcoming work includes an additional article in Cinema Iranica and a chapter comparing Indian and Iranian New Wave cinemas in the edited volume Shift Focus: Reframing the Indian New Waves (Oxford University Press). She is also the curator of multiple film series on Arab, Indian, and Iranian cinemas.

Introduction Non-fiction, sponsored, institutional, and children’s films are integral to the history of Iranian cinema. Iran, like other developing economies…